Controlling Glucose Key to Limiting Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Type 1 Diabetes
Men anguish from type 1 diabetes know that glucose control is very important to keep their condition in check, now there is even more incentive for them to do so, according to an article published in The Journal of Urology, intensive glycemic therapy significantly reduced the pervasiveness of erectile dysfunction in young men with type 1 diabetes.
The earlier young men start with this firmly controlled intensive insulin therapy; the better their chances of not suffering from erectile dysfunction (one of the major causes of which is diabetes).
This development is important because as the incidence of diabetes rises, it also enhance the number of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or debility. A lot of young men who suffer from this type of diabetes are ignorant of the effect their condition can have on their sexual health afterwards in life. If you suffer from this type of diabetes, then I advise you talk to your doctor about implementing intensive insulin therapy as soon as possible.