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Another Psychological reason of Erectile Dysfunction In Middle Aged Men?

by May 20, 2023

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence becomes increasingly common as men age. Though the mass of the causes can be related to the condition of and the normal aging process of the physical health of the man like the start of diabetes, heart ailments etc, there are some psychological reasons why a man can have problems getting and maintaining an erection.

High level of work related stress, financial anxiety etc are psychological triggers that can contribute to the condition of erectile dysfunction in middle aged men and now in what seems to be a controversial study to say the least, has suggested that wives (the behavior of) can cause sexual health problems for their husbands.

According to this study which was accepted out on more than 3000 people between the ages of 57 to 85 and published in the July issue of the American Journal of Sociology, if the wife is closer to her husband’s friends than what he is, then the husband is more likely to experience erectile dysfunction and lack of orgasm.

This underlines the insecurity a man feels when his spouse is closer to and has more contact with his confidants than him, because this erodes his emotion of independence and more prominently his privacy. These two things are essential in a man’s mind to express his masculinity. And the more he is exaggerated by this insecurity the more problems he will face in bed with his wife.

If a man is not feeling confident about his self image, he will absolutely feel the effects in his sexual performance. The input to resolving this issue is to communicate openly with your spouse and make her understand your feelings in a non offending way and not to use this as an excuse to fight because that will only worsen the situation. There is no damage in taking opinion from a professional marriage counselor who can help both partners overcome this situation in an amiable way.

Another Benefit of Male Circumcision

by May 20, 2023

Circumcision in males has been controversial in recent times, with contradictory opinions about its benefits, in-spite of it being an essential part of many cultures and religions for centuries and having being accepted in many western countries as having a lot of medical benefits. These include protection from urinary area infections and preventing penile cancer in adult males.

Now a new study done by the University of North Carolina (USA) shows that circumcision in men is related to lower occurrence of human papillomavirus-associated precancerous lesions of the penis.

So here is a another cause to consider circumcision and though it is still a choice driven more out of what one believes than the medical benefits that it may provide, it is important to note that the benefits may outweigh the risks.

Circumcision is a relatively minor and a safe procedure, but you must take full protection by choosing a surgeon who is experienced and has a very good track record of performing circumcision surgeries. Make certain that you talk to the doctor and find out about not only the potential risks and benefits of the procedure but also make sure that there is good provision for after care facilities.

Essence of the Health Benefits of Sex

by May 20, 2023

As you may have noticed in some of my previous posts; sex has numerous health benefits, some more clear than others. These have been backed by numerous studies done over the last few decades. Now I realize some of these studies were conclusive and some not so, even then the overall psychological and physical benefits of having sex are many here is a list of a few of them:

  • The Feel Good factor: Arousal releases chemicals like dopamine which makes us feel rewarded.
  • Relieves Pain: The hormone oxytocin is increased by indulging in sex and this increases endorphins which are the body’s natural pain reliever. It helps alleviate back aches, headaches, joint pains etc for a short time.
  • Helps To Handle Stress: Having regular sex helps in handling stressful situations better.
  • Helps Prevents Heart Ailments: Men who have 3 or more orgasms per week are 50% less likely to suffer from heart attacks than men who don’t.
  • Helps Increase Energy: Sex boosts the levels of testosterone in men, which in turn helps in building stronger muscles and also energizes the body.
  • Reduces The Risk Of Prostate Cancer: Having frequent sex helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.
  • Extends Life In General: People who indulge in frequent sex are likely to live much longer than folks who don’t.

So as you can see having frequent sex is definitely beneficial for your health, but what you have to keep in mind is that it is not only important to increase the frequency of sexual intercourse but also that sex is meaningful, in other words you need to improve the quality along with the quantity of sex for you to benefit from it.

To achieve this you need to more attune to not only your own sexual needs but also those of your partners and not indulge in unprotected sex. Inform yourself by researching or by consulting a qualified sex therapist.

A New Condom to get better Performance In Bed?

by May 20, 2023

A condom is mainly used for protection from unwanted pregnancies and contracting STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases), but now the makers of the Durex brand of condoms is preparing to launch a condom sometime next year which touts to not only give the above mentioned benefits but also help men get longer lasting and firmer erections.

The input ingredient that they are going to be using to achieve this is a gel called Zanifil, this gel will be inside the tip of the condom and this will supposedly improve the blood flow to the penis to help alleviate the problem of erectile dysfunction and unlike other ED treatments like Viagra (which require a doctor’s prescription), these condoms will be available over the counter.

Whether this product achieves what it claims remains to be seen but one thing is for certain; they will not be cheap to buy. And I suggest to wait at least six months after the launch of this product before going out and spending your hard earned money on it, at least by then you will have had substantial feedback on the effectiveness and the potential side effects of the so called “Viagra Condom” as I am sure there is going to be a lot of media coverage on this product in the coming months.

Ten Signals that Point to an Impending Divorce

by May 20, 2023

Divorce is regarded as a disastrous volcanic eruption of a relationship which, if had been given timely thought and good action, could have been averted. It is significant to remember that a marriage doesn’t fail overnight. It is a procedure of slow erosion, wherein it withers away slowly and steadily erodes and dies.

Though many couples, sometimes later on lament their separation and wish if they could have timely addressed the determining issues.

Mentioned below are the top ten signs that may suggest whether your marriage is heading towards divorce. So take a beat of your relationship, gauge it and stop it from slipping through your fingers, while it can still be done.

1. Emotional detachment: If your heart no longer beats for your partner it implies towards a serious issue. If the couple fails to waste time together it paves the way for divorce. This is when the couple has the choice to spend time together and genuinely prefer not to- most of the times. Try to fix matters. You can argue or write to each other to put your point across but try your best to communicate and connect again if you want your relationship to be running smoothly be back on track.

2. Patch up Issues: Discussions and sometimes conflicts are normal traits of relationships but the fine line that distinguishes healthy from unhealthy conflict of views is – whether you are moving towards some type of resolution or compromise. Relationships that give due deliberation for negotiation and compromise only survive in the long run. If it’s not possible during the course of heated conversation then later on at appropriate time when you are not fighting, try to communicate and share your anxiety.

3. Comparisons: The idea of nagging and comparing your partner always with someone else or quoting examples of someone better than him/her would definitely prove to be disastrous and bring your relationship to an end because there are few things that are more damaging to a person’s self-image than to hear that how poorly they do at something and so on.

4. No Share, No Care: The one factor that holds relationships upright is the ‘Sharing and caring attitude’. If this part starts to fade away then you must get alert and make dedicated effort to revive the sharing and caring attitude back.

5. Lack of Respect: Respect holds a very significant place in any relationship and at any stage if you feel that the respect both of you had for each other is lost somewhere and all that is left is only insult, violence and mutual abuse, get into solemn communication to reach to the bottom of the issue rather than waiting for things to settle down and to take their own recourse.

6. Abstaining from Sex: Sex is an important pillar that holds upright the relationship and if the couple seems to be abstaining from sex and have lost all the sex drive then they are probably heading towards a breakup.

7. Extra Marital Affair: The issue of infidelity whether emotional or sexual definitely ruins a relationship and leads to marital discord. If you sense this problem in your association take it as a wakeup call that your marriage is in peril and act, looking for professional help, if required, to keep your marriage.

8. Egoism: This is one big shark that will one day definitely gobble up and erase the very existence of your relationship. Don’t let your egoistic temper ruin your marriage. Always remember cooperation and considerate attitude goes a long way in paving way for a healthy and long relationship.

9. Fighting and Finger-pointing: If unfortunately you happen to be one of those couples who are always fighting whenever they talk, it is no doubt a sign for a marriage heading towards divorce. If it so happens that whenever you swap words, they’re unpleasant, you need to awaken and put in serious efforts to your marriage from going rough.

10. Home no longer sweet home: If you or your spouse has started looking for excuses to stay out and away from house as long as possible and if at home you prefer spending time in front of TV. or attractive in more and more time pass tactics, then it is high time you discussed and resolute the underlying and root cause to this attitude.

The presence of any or all of these signs no doubt point towards a marriage getting rough. Though these symbols are alarming but the scope of changing them and strengthening your relationship still persists. Only drive wanted is a focused approach and determination to work upon to save your marriage. You can also look for professional help from a qualified marriage counselor who can help you detect and repair the inherent causes of the breakdown in your relationship.

7 Tips to Help Improve Your Relationship

by May 20, 2023

A relationship is like a delicate thread, which remains strong only when both the ends are together. If either of the partners is not giving their best, it’s quite likely that their relationship will break. So, it’s essential for couples to work towards improving the quality of their relationship. Relationship troubles occur due to various reasons like lack of understanding, weakening of the love bond, feeling of sexual dissatisfaction, loss of respect and other personal choices. But it’s the responsibility of the partners to make their marriage work. Here are some simple ways to help you improve your relationship.

1. Always talk out your problems with each other because unless you tell the other person what’s going in your heart and mind, there’s no way you can make your relationship work. Speak up about the issues, find solutions and then implement them in your relationship.

2. Try and be honest with each other and don’t hide things which matter to your relationship. Never cook up false stories in front of your mate because it won’t do any good. Express your true feelings.

3. It is always better to solve problems inside your room and never allow a third person to interfere in your relationship problems. Remember, an outsider would not be able understand the nitty-gritty of your relationship, so it’s best if you solve it on your own and not have any mediator doing things on your behalf. The only exception would be if you are taking help from a qualified marriage counselor.

4. When it’s about making your relationship better, you can’t afford to be stubborn. It’s important to keep your calm and be patient. Especially when the other partner is not in a good mood, it’s better to be silent, let them have their say and then you put forward your point.

5. In a lot of cases, the root cause behind a bad relationship is bad timing of saying certain things. Don’t say things that can irritate your mate and which you may regret later. Rather, know your partner’s mood first and then act accordingly. If you feel it’s not the right time to initiate a particular conversation, refrain from doing so. Take it up later when things are better and timing is better.

6. Sexual dissatisfaction is another main cause due to which relationship starts to deteriorate. If you know this already, then don’t wait for things to get worse. Know where you are lacking and then work on those areas and please your partner sexually. You can always consult a qualified sexologist to help iron out this aspect of your relationship.

7. Small gestures are often stronger than big words, so do it frequently and make your partner feel special. Giving gifts, saying ‘I love you’, giving a kiss or hug, planning a surprise dinner and so on are things that help making your relationship better and sweeter.

These may sound like little things but if you make them a part of your relationship, they can bring about a huge change in your love life. So if you feel you are facing doldrums in your married life, try out these steps to help break the impasse in your relationship.

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