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7 Tips for Better Erections

by May 20, 2023

Most men will suffer from some sort of erection problem during their lifetime, and these problems will become clearer when men enter their 30′s and 40′s. fortunately for most, erectile dysfunction is something that can be rectified quite easily. Listed below are some very helpful tips to help men not only maintain harder and longer lasting erections but also leading a healthier life in general.

1. Sleep Well: Getting enough sleep is not only vital for your general health but also very important for your sexual potency. Sleeping for as a minimum seven hours a day will ensure that  there is no risk of disrupting the flow of hormones which regulate your sex drive. Getting adequate sleep also means that the penis is getting sufficient blood flow, which is necessary for getting an erection.

2. Kick the addiction: Smoking cigarettes, marijuana and use of other leisure drugs  is almost sure to cause erectile dysfunction. These drugs, and yes, nicotine is a powerful drug; damages the blood vessels in your body and will adversely affect the capability to get and preserve erections. So use your will power or get professional help to get rid of these addictions.

3. Avoid having sex after a heavy meal: Your body needs extra energy to burn the extra food that you eat, blood that is wanted by your penis to get an erection gets diverted towards your stomach. So it’s better if you only eat a light meal or nothing at all before you indulge in sex.

4. The more the better: The simple truth is that indulging in sex more often will increase the testosterone levels in your body and give you stronger erections.

5. Get rid of the paunch: Being overweight not only causes problems for the heart and other parts of your body but also reduces the flow of blood to the penis, foremost to erection problems. Eat healthy food and exercise regularly to reduce your weight and see improvement in not only your general health but also in your sexual health.

6. Take supplements : Taking supplements vitamin C and D will help not only your general health but are also known to help getting stronger erections, although the supplements mentioned here are generally considered safe, it is always a superior idea to consult your doctor before you start taking them.

7. Control your stress levels: High stress levels will cause you erection problems as it will drive down your libido. So it becomes significant for you to keep these levels in check for the benefit of your emotional state of mind and your sexual health. Exercising, meditation and other pressure control techniques like yoga etc. will help you keep the strain levels in control.

These simple lifestyle changes will go a long way to help you reduce the risk of suffering from erection problems, help lead a healthier life and delight your sex life to the fullest. If in-spite of these changes you still knowledge erectile dysfunction then I suggest you visit your doctor or a qualified sexologist to get a full check up and tests done to get to the root of the problem.

7 Myths about Masturbation

by May 20, 2023

One of the most frequently asked questions that I get are regarding masturbation and it’s so called sick effects. Myths about masturbation are something that has been around for centuries, being handed downward from one generation to another. These myths have the result of making a lot people especially among the younger generation, imagining they to have problems where none exist. at this time a few of these myths.

1. Masturbation is harmful for your health: The act of masturbation is as natural as making adore, and, just like sexual intercourse it does not have any adverse effects on your health. That it causes acne, weakness, dark circles about the eyes etc are just unfounded assumptions and are not correct.

2. Only the young masturbate: In fact, masturbation is a lifelong sexual activity. Surveys frequently show that anywhere from 70 to 95% of adult men and women masturbate. And while this may hold up as we age, many of us carry on masturbating into our golden years. One review of 800 adults over 60 found that that 46% of them masturbated, another found that 20% of seniors masturbated once a week or more. Masturbation isn’t just for the youthful nor is it an “immature” form of sexual behavior.

3. Only men have the need to masturbate: Statistics seem to show that men indulge in masturbation much more than women, the most apparent reason for this, is not that women don’t want to masturbate, but because most women who spoil in it don’t report this in a survey, because of the negative temper that our society has towards female masturbation. There is no scientific reality to back this myth. It is as inartificial for females to masturbate as it is for the males.

4. Only people of single status masturbate: This myth is totally unfounded as stats show that most people who are in a relationship indulge in masturbation. The need to masturbate has obtained nothing to do with a person’s relationship status. Again the unfounded social manner about this act only makes people indulge in it privately and without their partner’s knowledge.

5. Regular masturbation is bad: Is regular sexual intercourse bad for you? So how can masturbation be bad for you as it only mimics the sexual work? One can masturbate up to a couple of times a day with no ill effects. You just want to be conscious about the difference between excessive masturbation and compulsive masturbation. The latter can lead to a few problems (mainly psychological), if you fell that you masturbate impulsively, then it is a good plan to contact a sexual health expert.

6. Masturbation can lead to curvature of penis: No, masturbation has got nothing to act with the curvature of the penis.

7. Only certain kinds of people masturbate: By now I think you can probably imagine this myth has no foundation whatsoever. In fact research shows that it is a general activity across all strata of society, religious faiths etc. Most people have masturbated in their life and the majority of these continue to do so.

So now you know there are no damaging effects of masturbation (except in a few exceptions like that of compulsive or obsessive masturbation), and that it is actually a very healthy psychological and physical sexual out let for your body.

7 Great Health Benefits of Having Sex

by May 20, 2023

Most people only think of the sexual gratification (reaching an orgasm) when they have sex, but research has shown that engaging in sex can have some surprising benefits for your general health, both physical and psychological. These benefits are more prominent in people who have sex at least a couple of times a week. Here are a few of them:

1. Increase your immunity: Having regular sex can increase the levels of immunoglobulin an antibody which can increase your immunity against the common cold and other infections.

2. Sex is good for your heart: One of the myths surrounding sex especially in older men is that the having vigorous sex can cause a stroke, this is one myth that you can throw out of the window as there is no proof of this being true, in fact the truth of the matter is that if you have sex twice a week, you will reduce the chances of a fatal heart attack by half, when compared to those men who have sex less than once a month.

3. Improve the love factor in your relationship: Warm contact with your partner during sex will increase the levels of the love hormone (oxytocin). This is the reason you feel warmth and generosity towards your partner after having sex and attaining an orgasm. Increased frequency of love making will help you and your partner to bond more with each other.

4. Reduce your pain: Have you ever noticed a reduction in pain caused by headaches, arthritis etc after having sex, this is because your body releases endorphins after you have made love which helps in the natural relief of pain in your body.

5. Relieve Your Stress: Frequent sexual intercourse will lower your diastolic blood pressure and reduce stress levels in your body. Studies have shown that those who indulge in intercourse handle stressful situations much better than those who don’t.

6. Lose Weight: Having sex is a great way to exercise. You burn at least 85 calories per every half hour of sex. This may not feel like much, but with each session this count builds up. Anyways it’s hard to find a more fun way to exercise than making love.

7. Feel better about you: This is one of the main reasons people indulge in sex. If you have great sex frequently, it will only help you boost your self esteem. The reason why a lot of folks feel good about themselves after having a session of satisfying sex.

So now you know that having frequent sex with your partner will not only give you physical release but also benefit your general health in many different ways. Having a passionate sex life will not only improve your intimate relationship but also help you lead a healthier life. Just remember to practice safe sex using protection.

Six Tips to Relieve Work Related Stress

by May 20, 2023

Here a few tips on how you can relieve the same after coming home from a stressed filled day at the office, so that you can create an atmosphere and mental state more conducive to lovemaking for both you and your partner.

1. Start off an intimate conversation: The most important thing to relieve your office tensions is to deviate from them. Try and focus more on complimenting your partner and start talking with seductive words, rather than the daily routine life problems. Steer the conversation towards erotica, about sex positions, foreplay techniques, your fantasies etc, so that you can forget the bad times spent at work and rather enjoy these precious moments with your partner.

2. Watch a romantic movie together: There can’t be a better option to divert your mind than to watch something romantic and arousing. A romantic movie with some sexually charged scenes can surely let you forget all office tensions and seek some sexual pleasure with your partner.

3. Enjoy an exotic dinner: You would hardly get time to help your wife in the kitchen, so on a day when job stress is bothering you much, try doing something which you might not be too good at. Cooking scrumptious dishes using best of ingredients can let you rejuvenate your senses and as you enjoy a romantic candle lit dinner, take a chance to get intimate with your lover.

4. Indulge in a soothing massage: Office tensions not only give you mental stress but also leave your body exhausted and tired. Best way to calm your mind and soul is to give each other a sensuous body massage using the best of aromatic oils. As you massage and touch each other’s body, passion will start building and as you approach towards the end, the heat will be enough to keep you going for some action in bed.

5. Share some happy moments: It’s true that office tensions should be left behind at the place of work only but at times, sharing them overtly with your partner can help you feel better and unwind your mind. So make a point to discuss everything with your partner expecting that they will stand by you to comfort you in tough times. Doing this will help you both bond strongly and at the same time, sharing your office burden with someone else, will make you feel relaxed and you can perform well in bed as well.

6. Deck up your bedroom settings: The best way to leave behind or conquer your workplace tensions is to come out of that environment. Make sure that when you reach home, there is nothing around, which remind you of your office settings. Especially when you head towards bedroom for some sexual intimacy, the atmosphere should be such that you feel in an altogether new place. This would not only help you forget the tensed moments but would push you closer to your partner.

Having said it all, it is very crucial that you show faith in your partner and share your professional problems with them (without constantly whining about them), and look for their support. If in-spite this, the office tensions continue to give you sleepless nights, do not let your spouse face the brunt of your frustration and anger; rather seek an expert’s advice to come out of it.

Six Things You Need to Know About Sex during and After Pregnancy

by May 20, 2023

Here are the most significant questions asked by couples who are pregnant.

  1. First and foremost, is sex for pregnant women safe?

In general, it is quite safe to have sex during normal or low risk pregnancy. For those women who are at a hazard of preterm labor or face complications like placenta previa during their pregnancy, sex should be avoided. You should check with your gynecologist when in doubt.

2.  What is the safe period for sex for pregnant women?

It is safe to have sex till the last trimester as long as your pregnancy has been ordinary. Don’t have sex if your water breaks or if you are carrying multiples.

3. What precautions should be taken by pregnant women and their partners while indulging in sexual activities during pregnancy?

  • Try avoiding sex in the first trimester if the pregnant woman suffers from fatigue, sickness or vomiting. The second trimester is the best time to have sex during pregnancy as the woman has more than likely overcome the trials and tribulations of the first trimester and will enjoy sex.
  •  Avoid oral or genital sex during pregnancy.
  •  Avoid with lubricating creams and gels as they may irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.
  •  Try different sexual positions to make sex as comfortable as possible for the pregnant woman. This is especially significant in the latter part of the pregnancy because the woman may feel physically cumbersome and uncomfortable during this time.

4. Is there a change in libido for women after pregnancy?

A woman’s body goes through a lot of transforms during and after pregnancy and this along with other things like post partum depression, issues with her body image may cause her to have loss of sexual desire (Libido).

Loss of sleep, exhaustion and breast-feeding the baby can also cause a dip in the libido.

5. Are there any exercises or diet changes that can be made to increase libido after pregnancy?

Start exercising the moment you feel ready. Exercising frequently after childbirth will make you feel energized, assist you deal with strain and generally improve your mood and all these things will also help you regain your libido.

Improving your diet of route will help you rapid start the process.

Doing exercises to reinforce your pelvic and abdominal muscles will go a long way to increase your libido and help you enjoy sex more.

You can attempt doing the following exercises:

  •  Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Flatten your rear against the floor by contraction your abdominal muscles and bending your pelvis up slightly. Hold for up to 10 seconds. Repeat five times and work up to 10 to 20 repetitions.
  •  Do Kegel exercises, which are quite simple to do; it involves contracting and relaxing muscles of the pelvic floor. (You can try simulating perform of holding back your urine during midstream).

As far as dieting is concerned, you need a nutritious intake for yourself and your baby (when breast feeding). Try to eat entire grains, fruits and veggies (raw or steamed) and high protein foods such as lean meats, eggs or soy food. Avoid weight loss diets.

A amalgamation of exercise and a healthy diet will not only better your overall health but will also help you feel better about yourself and which in turn will definitely improve your libido.

6.  What are the safest sex positions for pregnant women?

The important fixation to realize, when trying out different positions to have sex during pregnancy is that the woman should feel comfortable with it and avoid putting weight on the uterus and the abdomen area.

Here are a couple of position you can try:

  •  Spooning Sex Position:  This location puts no pressure on the abdomen; Lye down side by side (much like two spoons together) and get your partner to position behind you at various angles for penetration till he finds one that is comfortable for him.
  •  On Top: Try this position by sitting on top of your partner while he is lying on his back. This position puts you in manage of the pace of the movement.

In any case, always clear all your doubts about having sex during and after pregnancy with your doctor. And remember if in hesitation or at the initial sign of discomfort, discontinue and desist from sex until you consult with your doctor and follow his /her recommendations.

6 Blunders That Men Make in Bed

by May 20, 2023

Men in India are generally more aggressive and active in bed when compared to their female counterparts. When they show this aggression in bed, there are several goof-ups they can make, which their female partner may not like much. These are the mistakes that men make while performing the act of sex, or even during arousal. These mistakes can be related to their sexual performance, behavior in bed, attitude towards female partner, expectations from sex and so on. Here are a few of these faux pas:

1.    Don’t neglect foreplay: Men usually indulge in arousal acts for a little time and expect a fully aroused partner in bed. Your woman might be seeking more of it. Don’t behave as if you are just interested in intercourse. Stimulate your partner properly, so that she feels more excited and is comfortable in bed when the time comes to go all the way.

2.    Don’t leave her halfway: Men often reach their climax much faster and much before their female partner has had an orgasm. Be thoughtful of your partners needs, and try different things like oral sex to satisfy her.

3.    Don’t treat her like a porn star: It’s not bad to take hints from porn movies and sex magazines to add fun to your sex life. But if you start treating your partner like a porn star and expect her to do exactly the same stuff that you saw on screen or read about, it can make things go terribly wrong.

4.    Don’t abuse her verbally: Some men have the tendency to get verbally abusive, rude and arrogant when they do not get the desired pleasure in bed or when the woman is not participating with much interest. This is certainly not going to be good for your sex life and overall relationship. This not only lowers the respect they have for you but they can also develop a feeling of resentment towards your abusive behavior, which definitely shows up during intimacy.

5.   Don’t go wild: Some men love trying out wild and bold moves in bed, thinking that these will give more pleasure to them and their partner. But when they turn into a wild animal and can’t control their wild gestures, the passion can get killed and it becomes a big bedroom blunder.

6.   Don’t be over demanding: Men are more experimental and daring when it comes to performing sex, and they often expect their female partner to act in the same way and fully participate in whatever “new” he wants to do in bed. But being over demanding can sometimes negate the sexual pleasure for her, and can make her to withdraw within herself, and she may become reluctant to become intimate with you.

It’s good to experiment in bed but be mindful of your partner’s needs and feelings. Talking beforehand about the different things you want to try in bed, to make sure that your partner is comfortable with them, is always a good idea. Be gentle and understanding, it will go a long way in helping you spice up your sex life and save you from making mistakes that can throw a spanner in your works.

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