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5 More Things to Avoid Before Sex

by May 19, 2023

A lot of folks think that enjoying good sex is merely about the act itself, though it is the most significant aspect of great intimacy, you should not disregard other details which lead up to a satisfying sexual encounter.

You want to pay attention to these lesser yet vital details especially some pre-sex habits or acts which may distract your mood while you are performing the sexual act.

However, these can be simply avoided provided you know what they are and how they can disrupt your bedroom fun and act as a spoilsport. Here are some of the most general things that couples often do without realizing the adverse affects they can have.

  • Don’t eat too much when you plan to have sex. This can deter your sexual performance, as you lean to feel a bit full and uncomfortable to be able to try different position in bed. Moreover, avoid consuming food things like onion, garlic, ginger or another smelling food, as it may annoy your partner while you are getting close to them.
  • Don’t slip between the sheets immediately after finishing your office work. Various people get their office work at home have the habit of finishing this pending work and then get into the bed for some intimate moments, but this is not a great plan. In such cases, chances are high that you still remain thinking about whether the work was done properly or not and with these thoughts running in your brain, you can’t ponder properly on the sexual act.
  • Don’t watch a horror or a depressing movie right before having sex. Such films may directly influence thought process, and in some cases even make you feel afraid or leave you with many questions that you keep pondering on. Now if you are bordered by such things while getting romantic with your partner, there are high chances of getting abstracted and spoiling all the fun.
  • Don’t make the kids sleep a few minutes before you plan a round of sex. Kids have very erratic sleep patterns and they might get up any accidental or odd time. therefore it’s better to make them go off to sleep at least a couple of hours before you move towards your bedroom with your partner, in order that by the time you plan to have some intimate moments, children are fast slumbering and won’t trouble you.
  • Don’t have a serious conversation or any heated argument before a round of sex. By doing this, you make an atmosphere of animosity and this will kill the passion which you and your partner need to enjoy your private moments. Also, after having any verbal clashes, your mood tends to stay a bit upset and this might show up in your sexual performance too and could ruin the pleasure.

These are some of the main things that you must avoid while you are gearing up for a sexual session. All of these tend to deter your bedroom performance and enjoyment. So, make sure to not entrust these mistakes either intentionally or mistakenly.

Can these Five Lifestyle Changes, boost Female Libido?

by May 19, 2023

As I have mentioned in prior articles, the loss of libido (loss of sexual desire) is by distant the most general sexual health related problem faced by women of all ages. This peculiar problem can cause a lot of resistance and frustration in a association if left unsolved. Here are few tips on daily life changes that can help you boost your waning libido:

  • The power of positive thinking: We can state our mood by training our brain to focus more on the optimistic aspects of our life and not on the pessimistic ones. Don’t fret too much about the things that are not accurate in your life, as incessantly thinking about them will have a specific negative impact on your moving state of mind and that is the number one cause of loss of libido. As with everything in life the more you practice positive thinking the more of a habit it becomes and you will see improvement in not only your sex life but in all aspects of your connection and daily life.
  • Exercising your way to increasing sexual desire: Yes I know everybody is badgered about how superior exercising is for your health in general, but do you know that it exercising frequently also betters your sex life by increasing the stream of blood to the sexual organs and improve your temper by releasing chemicals called endorphins in your brain, which makes you feel good. Moderate exercise also helps increase the testosterone levels in your body which is a different key ingredient in boosting libido.
  • Don’t drink and smoke: excessive drinking and smoking not only has an unfavorable effect on your common health but also negatively impacts your sexual health. There are sufficient studies out there which underline this fact. So it’s a good plan to get rid of these addictions, especially smoking. Drinking in control is still okay.
  • Reduce that waistline: Being overweight causes a lot of women to not feel sexy about themselves and also not enjoy the sexual health itself. Try dipping your weight by doing a mix of exercise and impartial diet, to keep yourself correctly nourished.
  • Bring back the sense of adventure in your life: Our daily lives can twist monotonous very fast, try taking regular breaks from the daily mundane errands by going out on mini vacations with your partner and try out any type of adventure sport with your partner. The knowledge of doing activities with your partner that provide you an adrenaline dash will soon translate itself in your bedroom as well.

These are a few of the way of life changes that you can incorporate in your daily life to boost up your sexual need and regain your self confidence and get better your life in common. And remember to consult your physician or a qualified health professional before preliminary an exercise routine or a diet.

5 Great Tips for Better Sex

by May 19, 2023

The key to enjoying superior intimacy with your partner is communication (or maybe non communication?). Most couples feel that their love life is tedious or just repetitive; this is so because they are unwilling to tell their partner what turns them on or off. And guys most women will inform you what they want in bed, you just have to ask (a recent poll by men health periodical showed that up to 87% of women were happy to trainer their men through sex). Here are a few tips on how you can spice up your love life.

1. Go beyond the conventional erogenous spots: A women has more sexually receptive parts on her body than just the clear ones, try exploring behind her knees, inside of her ankles, back of her neck, toes etc. you’ll be astonished with the results.

2. Watch Erotica with her: Most women enjoy watching porn as much as men do. They are just frequently too shy to ask their partners, so take the initiative and watch erotica with each other, this can be a enormous turn on for both the partners. Just make certain that the porn is in superior taste and not too wild, unless of course that is what both partners want to watch.

3. Don’t change your position on a whim: If you find that your partner is enjoying a exacting position during sex, make certain you don’t modify it suddenly, particularly if she is nearing a climax because that can put a dampener on the proceedings. You can always chat about trying out new and inexperienced positions before you have sex and talk through the change of location during lovemaking.

4. Break the routine: Sex can become tedious if it becomes a routine, especially, if it only happens at specific day and time of the week, every time. Break this sameness by varying the time of the day when you have sex, you can do it in the sunrise instead of at night, surprise her by coming home early one day and building out etc. The point is that sex is more amusing when it is spontaneous.

5. Try something different: Along with things like watching porn together, you can also trial with sex toys, just because your women wants to try enhancing her enjoyment with these toys doesn’t mean that you are not doing things right. In fact use of these will only demonstrate her how confident and certain you are of your own lovemaking abilities. She will absolutely appreciate your effort to make her heighten her sexual enjoyment. Just make sure you chat about this beforehand to see if she is contented with the idea.
These are a few tips to get you started on a new and thrilling sexual journey with your partner, as I said before the key to creating this work is communication. Your partner may sound unwilling in the beginning so you need to ease your partner into annoying out new things in bed. Never force anything on them, because that will have the defy affect of what you are trying to achieve. Pay attention to the details and the signals they send you to find out what will work for you both.

5 Foods that can help decrease Your Weight

by May 19, 2023

Obesity not only poses risk to your common health but also sexual health as it also recognized to be one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. The main cause for obesity is lack of exercise and bad eating habits. Now are 5 foods that you can eat every food that can really help in reducing your gross body weight.

1. Green Tea
Green Tea is one of the best anti-oxidants. It can decrease not just the risks of cancer but also speeds up your body’s metabolism. Green Tea is also recognized to help in fat burning. It is then recommended for anybody who wants to lose weight to switch to Green Tea every morning instead of taking their regular cup of coffee.

2. Scrambled egg whites
Eggs are superior weight reducer as well. But to build sure that you maximize its benefits, eliminate the yolks and jumble only the egg whites. Add some greens in it to extra boost its effect. Remember using a fat-free slam when cooking. Mix the egg with spinach, mushrooms, and related veggies.

3. Yogurt
Love ice cream? Switch to yogurt instead. Yogurt is not solitary healthy; it is also wealthy in calcium. It helps decrease weight by deterring fat incorporation in the small intestines. While yogurt doesn’t flavor as good as ice cream, its health benefits are certainly way better than your regular cone.

4. Oats
If you are looking for carbohydrates in your meals, settle for oats instead. Oats can build you feel full so you won’t have to take that more bite all the time. Furthermore, oats is laden with soluble fiber. And that is accurately what your body needs to cut out on blood fat and cholesterol.

5. Salads
There are nothing better than vegetables in your diet. A lot of verdant greens can help your body reduce weight while making certain that you get all the vitamins and nutrients that you need. You can also include a few fresh fruits in your salad for the best effects. Eat it every day and you’ll certainly be thinner and healthier in the long run.

Start eating healthy and join it with moderate exercises to get most benefit for your health and intimate activities as well.

4 Reasons Why Extramarital Affairs Are On the Rise Today

by May 19, 2023

With most couples stressed hard to have a joyful married life well complimented with healthy sexual relations, it’s archetypal to be in sync during the bedroom exploit Due to the hectic current day lifestyle, partners often fail to give in to the desires and demands of their mate, hence problems, sexual dissatisfaction, personal disliking and clear loathing start brewing in their relationship.

You may attempt your best to counter these problems but if every debate ends up being a heated quarrel, things will get even worse. Then arises a tip when you start seeking enjoyment or sexual satisfaction elsewhere and the only option that strikes your wits is to step out of your present relationship. Well, the occurrence of getting sexually close with someone, but your married partner, is nothing new. And in India, this situation has only stimulated to a bigger level in the past decade. Having an additional marital affair cannot do any good to your existing relationship.

Causes that may lead to extra marital affair

SEXUAL DISSATISFACTION: The major reason why you would decide to form a physical relation outside your marriage is because of ‘sexual dissatisfaction’. When you are not getting the preferred enjoyment from your wife or husband, you do not feel the advise of getting intimate in bed. This forces an entity to hunt for sexual gratification with another partner. some studies have indicated that a female tends to move out of her married relationship when there is sexual discontent and her partner cannot satisfy her sexual needs whereas the reason why men look out for another woman is certainly due to their wish to feel the change and get more excitement with a new partner. Also when a male is unable to present well in bed, it is the fear, compound and stigma to face his partner that pushes him to isolate himself, which may or may not guide to an extra marital affair. However, females frequently do not get any inferiority complex if their sexual performance is not up to the mark yet they try to improve their acts and remain close to their husband.

UNHAPPY ABOUT PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The way you and your partner look often affects your sexual life. Be it the case that you are not certain about your looks or the other way round that your partner doesn’t have a pleasing character, in both cases, there will be an evident discomfort during lovemaking. To get clear of this, individuals often look out for a appropriate mate in terms of looks and physical appearance, which allows them execute better in bed.

SEXUAL BOREDOM: Another very common cause to estrange your present partner and spoil with someone else is out of sheer boredom. After years of marriage, couples frequently start lost the fun and thrill which firstly existed in their relation. As a outcome, they seek excitement elsewhere. This case of dishonest on your partner is purely out of an experiment and an advice to give a boost to your sexual performance by getting out of the everyday boredom.

INCAPABILITY TO FULFILL SEX FANTASIES: Many a times, when you are incapable to meet the sexual expectations of your partner, it instills a feeling of being defective in bed. This not only lowers your libido but also forces you to increase that sexual perfection to be able to understand your partner’s sexual desires. Hence, many persons get involve with a second partner to put their desperation on rest.

The reason for extramarital relationships can be on or a combination of any of the above scenarios. It is important to recognize these signals before they become a solemn problem and are nipped in the bud because they will surely lead to disharmony in not only your intimate relationship with your partner but will also an unlikable atmosphere in your family.

In my next post I will address how extramarital relationships can influence your relationship and some ways to avoid getting entangled in them.

3 Reasons Why Women Fake Orgasm

by May 15, 2023

It’s an eminent fact that a lot of women fake orgasm during sexual intercourse, and now a review conducted in Great Britain has confirmed just how high the percentage is. According to this review which was conducted by the University of Lancashire and University of Leeds; 80% of women faked orgasms at least 50% of the time and 25% women faked it an amazing 90% of the time they had vaginal intercourse.

These are amazing figures which begs the question- why do such large numbers of women pretend to peak during intercourse (which is the most intimate act); here are a few insights about why women fake an orgasm:

  1. Inability to reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse: The majority of women need other inspiration apart from the real act of lovemaking to realize orgasm and when lovemaking goes on and on with them not climaxing, they tend to fake one.
  2. When women are uncomfortable, exhausted or in pain etc.: Sometimes women go along with their partner in the work of lovemaking even though they are physically tired or if they experience sting during vaginal intercourse(due to dryness or vaginal tears). So they fake it to just stop the lovemaking.
  3. To spare their partner’s feelings: Women know that most men are very aware of their performance in bed, and for men; getting their partner to reach an orgasm is a key pointer to them of their sexual prowess. So women just fake an orgasm, so that their partner can feel that the sexual encounter has been pleasing for them both.

There are a few things that a woman can do so that they don’t have to imagine an orgasm so often, the most significant of which is letting their partner know which type of stimulation helps them reach an orgasm (oral sex etc.) and lead them to the level of intensity that they like. Another way would be to use sex toys (vibrator etc.) to assist them achieve orgasm.

This can only be done if there is open communication between the partners and both of them want to accept each other’s needs and react accordingly.

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