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Sexting-: New Social Problem of the Urban Youth in India

by June 8, 2023

Sexting or sharing of sexual images via a mobile phone is becoming increasingly common in India. This “phenomenon” has been growing steadfastly in recent years because of the easy availability & low cost of ever faster smart phones. This coupled with the low price of Internet for mobiles has become the catalyst for this particular problem.

Sexting is especially popular among stripling as they are much more tech savvy than any other demographic in the country & this problem is not only in India but also in the rest of the world as proven by this study done in Australia

The main reason for the emergence & the increasing frequency for sexting is peer pressure, which teenagers are most vulnerable to. This need to be recognized among their friends & to be seen as “cool” clouds their better judgment.

This has been highlighted by the recent spate of scandalous MMS’s & morphed photos involving school going youngsters, which has negatively impacted not merely the victims involved but their families & our society in general. The victims have little legal remedy available to them & the stigma attached makes them unwilling to come forward & report these incidents.

This is where the government & the media need to play an important & active part in creating awareness & to discourage this activity, the government needs to implement stricter laws & punishment for the perpetrators & put more resources in the cybercrime department as tracking the originators of morphed photos is very hard once they come into flow. The media on the other hand needs to highlight this problem without sensationalizing it & protecting the victim’s identity.

Educating & informing the children in schools & by parents will also play an important role in reducing this problem because banning mobile phones is no longer an option in today’s day & age.

This is a problem which needs to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible as the implications of this behavior can have an adverse impact on our youngsters long into the future.

Do leave your thoughts & comments below to let your fellow readers know what you think about this problem & how we can work together as a society to combat it.

Sedentary Life Style? Welcome to Sex Problems with Open Arms

by June 8, 2023

Modern lifestyle has led to a sedentary lifestyle, which has already made way for numerous health problems. While problems like cervical, back & neck pain, diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, sex problems are also on a continual rise due to this lethargic way of living.

The sedentary lifestyle that most young couples live has restricted their physical movement to almost nil & thus making them so sluggish that they just don’t feel like performing the sexual act with much enthusiasm. As an outcome, they can suffer from sex problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

The main reason behind this sedentary lifestyle & subsequent sex problems is the working conditions. Young professionals generally spend most of their hours at workplace either sitting or doing least amount of legwork.

Here are some easy clues to let you know if you are also a victim of this sedentary lifestyle. Take a note of these & make sure you do not let them hinder your sexual pleasure.

1. Seating stress: If you continue to sit in one posture throughout the day, you end up taking undue tension on your back. Either your back location is too erect or it bends a little too much. This may place you at a danger of having some spine troubles, which would additional cause sex problems. As spine muscles are used to a large level while having sex, such a lifestyle would never permit you to enjoy an interrupted pleasure. Those who suffer from such spinal & back problems would, in most cases, finish up getting up in between the sexual act & hence leaving their partner unsatisfied in bed.

2. Exercise exertion: It’s believed that walking few minutes & leading an active lifestyle & exercising our pelvic muscles is beneficial for sex. Lack of this exercise may lead to sexual problems like infertility or impotency. It has been medically proven that there has to be a proper exercise routine not only for your body but for your sexual organs too

3. Thinking tension: With continuous concentration on your work & other career connected anxieties, this will lead to your sexual senses failing to get aroused easily & thus you may not feel emotionally & physically attached to your partner. Also, when you cannot focus on your sexual performance, sex problem like erectile dysfunction (not getting proper erection) is sure to harm you.

4. Physical pressure: As you remain deskbound & do not get involved in much of moving, your lower body, especially legs become very slothful & you would find it tough taking any pressure while performing sex as well. In such cases, you fail to test much with sex positions, as you cannot move your leg liberally fearing some pain or strain & thus sexual problems like premature ejaculation can ruin your sexual performance. Due to this sedentary lifestyle, you remain sitting on the lead most of the hours during the day & this leads to a low physical stamina, which shows its aversive effects while you are performing sex.

5. Weight woes: Weight gain is the foremost consequence of living a sedentary lifestyle. As you remain inactive for more than necessary time, you tend to put on extra weight & even become obese in extreme cases. Under such circumstances, you are more flat to developing sex problems & .an overweight person anyways also finds it uncomfortable to perform in bed with ease. Imagine with your weight troubling you previously, you would never want to bear which additional weight of your partner, so your sexual connection can go for a toss.

6. Bad blood circulation: Do not forget that more you walk & get yourself involved in physical actions, better would be your blood flow in the body. But as current individuals have to cope up with their professional & academic preferences, they get very less time to focus on any outdoor activities & they don’t indulge much in legwork. There is a lack of blood circulation in the entire body. Even the blood which is circulated to the sex organs is not good, hence chances are high that you face problems while erection or intercourse.

7. Cardiac crisis: Lack of physical stamina leads to lack of blood circulation, which more leads to cardiac problems & they, can in turn make way for several sex problems & vice versa. So this is a vicious cycle & the ignition point for all these problems is your lifestyle, which is less of moving & more sedentary. Also, you frequently fail to understand the reasons behind sudden heart problems, minor heart attacks & chest pains but it’s important that you should know that it’s your sluggish lifestyle which maybe leading to all these cardiac problems.

Therefore, I suggest you immediately change your lifestyle pattern & incorporate a regime of exercise in your daily life & reap the benefits not only in your day to day life but energize your sexual energy too.

Scientists Discover a Sexual Disease obstructive To Drugs

by June 7, 2023

A new strain of gonorrhoea discovered in Japan has been found by Swedish scientists to be resistant to antibiotics & already changes have had to be made to the type of antibiotic & dosage that is required to combat it. This is a troubling detection as this strain could snowball into epidemic proportions. Gonorrhoea is a general sexual transmitted disease which is normally easily treatable with cephalosporins (antibiotic) but this new strain could change all that.

It is now more important than ever to use condoms during sex & to get yourself examined for STD’s if you have indulged in insecure sex. Young adults have the highest rate of infection for gonorrhoea & they need to be aware of this new development & should take appropriate precautions.

Gonorrhoea is a STD which can cause infertility in both sexes & can be life threatening if left untreated. Hopefully pharmaceutical companies & governments will pour in funds for researching alternative treatment for this mutated strain & start spreading more awareness to stop this disease from becoming something that may haunt our society for years to come.

Regular Use of Painkillers May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

by June 7, 2023

There may be bad news for men who regularly take painkillers; a study in the Journal of Urology has indicated that middle aged men who took anti-inflammatory drugs like (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen etc) at least three times (or more) a day were likely to suffer from problems related to erectile dysfunction.

The study factored in the other things which can cause erectile dysfunction like aging, smoking, diabetes, heart problems etc in middle aged men but still concluded that men who took these drugs were 38% more likely to have problems maintaining an erection.

But before you stop taking these medications for fear that it will cause ED, be aware that further research is needed to firmly conclude that it will do so. We need to wait for some more conclusive studies to be certain.

Usage of painkillers is widespread among middle aged & older men, a lot of them take drugs like aspirin daily to lower the risk of heart attack & stroke. But before discontinuing these drugs make sure you consult your doctor. As I said before, more conclusive proof is needed before the medical community can take a call on this development, but the signs are not encouraging.

I will keep you updated as & how new studies are published on this topic.

Post Sex Blues? It’s More Common than What You Think

by June 7, 2023

The experience of negative feelings after a session of satisfactory sex among young women is more common than previously thought. According to a study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health. Almost 1/3rd of the 200 women in the study reported that they felt postcoital dysphoria or negativity after intercourse.

This is surprising considering that this is not a subject which is dwelled upon that much & normally post intercourse feelings are of well being & relaxation. But the women who feel postcoital dysphoria feel sad, irritable, tearful & restless.

The problem is that the cause of this not known, though there are a few theories around which suggest it may be due to some sort of sexual abuse experienced, psychological distress or even biological predisposition. But none of these are backed by conclusive studies as yet.

Undoubtedly more extensive research needs to be done on this problem & its causes, so that proper help can be given to the women who suffer from this.

Oral Sex And Cancer- Is There A Link?

by June 7, 2023

A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has created a lot of discussion about weather oral sex can cause cancer or not. This investigate has stirred some panic among people & this article goes in further detail on how HPV (which can cause cervical cancer) is the link between the two.

One of the main reasons for this emerging evidence is the sexual revolution of the 60′s & 70′s. “Cancer is a long process,” says Kreimer who is one of the researcher behind this study. “

One of the things that this study has done is to highlight the importance of using a condom during oral sex. Most people tend to regard oral sex as safe sexual behavior & now studies are showing that it can transmit infections even if they are very rare.

This is another reason to start using condom during oral sex, just to be on the safe side, & especially for someone who is sexually active with multiple partners.

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