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Obesity Leads To Less Satisfying Your Sex Life

by June 7, 2023

Obesity can lead to erectile dysfunction in men, & now studies also show that obese women suffer from lower sexual satisfaction leading to an overall lower sexual quality of life. Being obese not only has adverse effect on the general quality of life (can lead to heart problems, diabetes etc.) but can also create intimacy issues.

The reasons for lower quality of sex life for obese people are both physical & psychological. Being overweight means that there is restricted physical movement due to excessive fat & the lack of exercise means that there is not much stamina which is needed to enjoy sex.

A lot of obese people, especially women are very conscious of their physical appearance, generally leading to lower self esteem, which makes sexual intimacy that much more uncomfortable for them.

If one is obese it is obvious that making changes like monitoring their diet, incorporating exercises in their daily routine etc are important to improve their overall & sexual health, but it is also as important to feel good about themselves, to be able to accept their own physicality & realize that they can still enjoy their sex life in-spite of being overweight.

Discussing issues about their sex life is uncomfortable for most people & obese folks are no different. But there are qualified sexologists & sex therapists that can help them in understanding & resolving their sexual health related concerns. It is important to reach out for help & not suffer unnecessarily.

Need To Overcome Infidelity? Here’s How

by June 7, 2023

Don’t underestimate the effect infidelity can have on your relationship. No matter how strong your connection is, it is almost a given that having an extramarital affair will cause it to strain to its breaking point. The first impulse for the wronged partner is to walk out of the relationship, but before he or she does that, they need to know that there a few things that they can do salvage the relationship & get it to heal & in fact make their relationship come out much stronger than before.

The first thing that needs to be understood is the loss of trust, this is a crucial factor for any successful relationship, especially a marriage & nothing causes loss of trust than an extramarital affair. The wronged partner will be emotionally devastated, leading them to become upset, lose concentration & even cause depression.

Whatever the reason for the act of infidelity, it is imperative for both partners to do some introspection & identify the role they played in letting their relationship reach that point.

Here are a few pointers on how to get the relationship back on track & towards some semblance of normalcy:

1. The affair needs to be stopped completely. This the first step to getting the relationship back on track. No real healing can take place if the extramarital affair is not stopped straight away.

2. Both partners need to realize that the recovery process will be no walk in the park. It is going to painful, take time & requires a lot of understanding & patience.

3. The partner who cheated needs to know that regaining the trust of their partner will most probably include them being held accountable for their whereabouts, talk openly about the details & reasons leading up to the affair if their partner wants to do that.

4. The person who committed infidelity needs to make a firm commitment to their partner never to repeat the mistake again & analyze what made them do the act & change their behavior or thinking to never be tempted again in the future.

5. The person who cheated needs to give the betrayed partner as much time as they need to recover from the betrayal, not be in a rush to move forward, respect the fact that the recovery will be dependent on the timetable of the wronged partner & not theirs.

6. Finally seek help from a qualified marriage counselor to help smooth things over, a good counselor will help both partners overcome emotional issues & help identify the root cause that led to the act of infidelity & in most cases make both the partners come out emotionally stronger after therapy.

Sometimes the feeling of betrayal is too much for a person to bear & come to grips with, in spite of therapy, leading to no other option but to terminate the relationship.

But most marriages can be saved if both partners are willing to work on it, the person who cheated needs to make a firm commitment to be never being unfaithful again & the wronged partner needs to be willing to forgive. The help of a good marriage counselor & the support of family & friends are crucial to achieve this. Do not hesitate to call out for help & start believing in each other again.

Natural Foods Which Can Improve Your Sexual Drive

by June 7, 2023

You would have heard the word aphrodisiac a few times, an aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire. In easy terms, aphrodisiacs are substances that have a perceived ability (science has not proved it one way or the other) to boost your sex drive & create mood for sex & can also be very well used to arouse your partner for intimacy.

It’s their shape, appearance, taste & ingredients that can evoke your sexual senses arouse your partner & set your mood for intimacy. Here are a few inartificial aphrodisiacs which vary from fruits & vegetables to some special herbs & spices. These can be broadly used in two ways – either you consume them in a meal before sex or use them as a part of your foreplay acts to excite your mate.

CHOCOLATE: Also sometimes known as a substitute for sex, chocolates contain a certain chemical which produces hormones & makes you feel relaxed – a similar effect of enjoyment & pleasure that you get after having sex. Chocolate contains an alkaloid, thatis alike to caffeine. It also has a chemical that is believed to produce the feeling of being in love.

STRAWBERRIES, KIWIS, PEACHES, BLACKCURRANTS: These scrumptious looking juicy & sticky fruits act as perfect aphrodisiacs for their textures, colors & lusciousness. They are erotically suggestive & can be fun to use during foreplay to stimulate your mate. Also, presence of vitamin C in these fruits helps to keep the sexual organs in perfect health & it also increases the sperm count in men & also aid in fertility.

BANANAS, ASPARAGUS, CARROTS: These foods create visual stimulation, as they are similar in look to a male’s genitalia. With this phallic shape, they have mood-lifting effect on the brain & hence add on to your bedroom performance.

GINGER, GARLIC: They generate heat in the body & increases blood circulation in both men & women, due to which they act as perfect sex boosters. An ingredient which garlic contains increases blood flow to the sexual organs. But make certain after having garlic or ginger, you have taken several breath mints or mouth freshener, so that your breath does not smell bad.

Seafood: Consuming sea food immediately boosts up your metabolism rate due to the presence of Omega 3 fatty acids & hence you remain fresh throughout your sexual performance.

NUTS: You need stamina to be able to keep up your mood & perform sex for a longer time. Consuming these nuts including almonds, pistachios, walnuts, groundnuts, & raisins gives you strength & power that you can use in the bed. Furthermore, the smell of almonds is said to have the potential to arouse fervor in females. So you can even try lighting some almond scented candles to up your sexual mood.

CHILLIS: Chili peppers & red chilies help in raising the body temperature & as a result lead to induced sweating, which in turn boost your pleasure during sex.

BROCOLLI, SPINACH: Rich in Vitamin B, they also help in fertility. Other green leafy vegetables also give you more stamina & strength, which is important for sex.

The list is really long but these are some of the best & commonly used natural foods that have been used as aphrodisiacs. Some of these are meant to boost your sex drive, some can be used to get better your sexual performance & some are medically very good for your sexual health. But one thing you must make sure while using these aphrodisiacs is that you or your partner is not allergic to any of these because of the smell, flavor or touch.

Men with Chronic Heart fiasco Can Now Improve Their Sexual Health

by June 7, 2023

According to a study lately published in the journal Clinical Cardiology, men suffering from chronic heart failure which is a medical condition in which patients suffer from chronic fatigue & exercise intolerance; can now with the help of CRT (cardiac resynchronization therapy) significantly improve their sexual health including reducing erectile dysfunction, improving libido & general sexual performance.

Chronic heart failure is a very common condition & this finding will come as a big relief for all the men who suffer from it. Now with the help of CRT they can not only improve their chances of survival but also get back to living & enjoying a normal sex life.

Keep That Anxiety Away

by June 7, 2023

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It is primarily linked with nervous disposition, low self confidence, uncertainty, worry & similar emotions. Things that put pressure on your mind & make you feel stressed are the reasons behind anxiety. You feel anxious when you get the feeling of being inadequate in any sphere of your life. This realization that you are lacking somewhere makes you ponder over negative thoughts again & again, as a result your thought process gets affected & you tend to feel nervous & anxious.

Read below to know some common reasons that lead to anxiety & tips on how you can get over it.

  • Any kind of hitch in your relationship can lead to anxiety. This happens when you have done something wrong, you are at fault & you keep feeling guilty about it & allow nervousness to creep in. To come out of this, say what’s on your mind & do not carry forward any kind of baggage that may disturb you.
  • Workplace tensions can also make you feel anxious. When you fail to meet deadlines or obey to something that your boss has told you to do, it’s likely that you feel worried. You should commit to what you think you can deliver & then finish that in time to avoid any nervousness later. Also, do not bring these tensions back home or else it would come in way of your personal life too.
  • Your family responsibilities can be another reason that creates anxiety. When you have a family to look after, you have several responsibilities on your shoulders. If in case you cannot meet the requirements of your partner & kids, you may feel inadequate & get nervous thinking about the future. To deal with this, develop a better level of understanding with your family members & make an attempt to know their needs in a better way & make them realize if these are practical or not.
  • Sexual relationship with your partner can also lead to anxiety. This happens when you cannot give your partner the desired sexual satisfaction in the bed & in turn, your partner starts losing interest in you. As a result, you feel let down & hence feeling anxious is obvious. To resolve this issue, either speak to your partner clearly or consult a specialist without any delay.

Above examples illustrate that how any situation, which leaves you in a stressful state of mind, can lead to anxiety. When you are stressed, you will think of a hundred ways to come out of it & in a lot of cases, when you cannot find an easy way out, you will tend to get nervous & anxious. If this feeling starts to overwhelm you then you need to good therapist to help you overcome this problem.

Is Your Partner a Sex Addict?

by June 7, 2023

Everyone loves to enjoy a pleasurable session in the bed but as they say ‘excess of anything is bad’, same holds true for sex too! Quite often when your partner starts pampering you for no reason & out of nowhere, you may feel happy about it. Giving in to whatever they ask you for, you don’t even mind slipping between the sheets instantly with them & enjoy a steamy sex romp. While you enjoy these endless lovemaking sessions, you may not get the smallest of hint that your partner is turning into a Sex Addict. Yes, chances are high that a partner who seeks sexual pleasure too frequently has a tendency to turn into a sex addict. For them, it’s all about having sex, talking sex, thinking about sex all the time – morning, afternoon & at night too.

Several studies have supported this fact stating that asking for sex more than desired, can be a kind of serious addiction, which may not be good for a relationship in the long run. & many a times, you end up having a round of sex just because your partner wanted it & you couldn’t say a ‘no’. So before your sexual life goes for a toss, find out whether your partner is a sex addict or not. Take note of these signs, which would help you ascertain the fact & take a step accordingly…

Your husband or wife can be a sex addict if he/she:

LOVES DIRTY TALKING: It’s good to enjoy some dirty & naughty talking while you are enjoying those private moments in bed. But if you notice your partner indulging in such erotic all the time, it may not be a good sign. This shows how they have become so used to such kind of talks.

IS KEEN ON PHYSICAL TOUCH: It’s good for couples to maintain a lovely bond between them & physical gestures is the best way to express this love. But if your partner seems to be getting overboard with these gestures & doesn’t even bother whether you are at a public place or at someone’s place, then you must need to take it seriously. Such sexual gestures might make others around your uncomfortable & they only hint towards your mate’s addiction to physical love.

RELATES EVERY CONVERSATION WITH SEX: You would have surely noticed that sometimes even the most serious of discussions end up with a sexual connotation to it. Don’t take it lightly anymore. If your partner has this tendency of bringing in the sexual element to every conversation that you have – serious or light – he/she is sure to have some signs of being a sex addict. For such individuals, they interpret every subject from a sexual point of view & hence it shows up when they participate in a conversation.

TAKES A MINUTE TO GET AROUSED: Who won’t love to have a fully aroused partner in bed to get that maximum sexual pleasure? Of course, everyone would want this! But if you find that your partner gets stimulated in less than a few minutes, your sexual fun might not last for long. Getting aroused in a little time means very short foreplay, which clearly shows that your partner is only interested in hard core sex & not anything else.

IS INTERESTED IN WATCHING SEXUAL STUFF: Is your partner always hooked to the TV screen watching a porn movie or engrossed in reading a romantic novel? Well, you may think they are picking ideas to enhance their sexual performance. But there are chances that they might be enjoying being busy with these, which brings them immense pleasure. Such an addiction isn’t too great for your sex life, as your mate might be spending more time in these artificial means than what they spend with you.

Now you know the signs & traits, which would help you make out if your partner is a sex addict or is turning to be a sex addict. Remember, you should not always entertain your partner’s sexual gestures in the way they want it to be. Sometimes, they might be wrong signals & need to be dealt in a different manner.

If their behavior is making you uncomfortable to the point of you not enjoying sex; that would be a good time to have a heart to heart conversation with them. Make them realize that their over the top sexual behavior is causing you discomfort, be polite & diplomatic in your approach, making sure you don’t offend them, while at the same time making sure that they understand that they need to tone down their sexual tendencies.

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