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How to Handle Female Sexual Health Problems

by May 29, 2023

Women’s sexual problems often take a backseat to the men’s sexual problems, especially in the last decade or so due to the launch & subsequent marketing blitz of Viagra which has created a lot of awareness about erectile dysfunction in men.

But it is important not lose sight of the fact that a lot of women suffer from some sort of sexual health problem during some time or another in their life. These can range from minor discomfort during intercourse to total loss of libido.

It is important for both men & women to realize that these problems are much more common than what they think they are & you should inform yourself about these conditions & know that there are various effective treatments ranging from counseling to medications or combination of both that can be availed.

The first step whenever you or your partner is facing a sex related problem is to contact a qualified sexologist or a sex therapist to discuss the problem. Overcoming the fear of embarrassment about your problem is key to be able to successfully treat it.

The cause for female sexual dysfunction may be psychological or physical & a good counselor or a doctor specializing in this field can properly diagnose & offer treatment.

Depending on the age, nature or severity of the problem, different type of treatment can be used ranging from counseling, use of proper lubricants, pelvic exercises, changes in any anti depressant medication, change of diet, general exercises & hormonal treatment etc.

It’s not only important to communicate about these problems with your health care professional but also with your partner & the woman’s partner needs to be understanding & supportive of her & help her get & use the treatment as specified by the doctor & to never self medicate.

Remember most female sexual health problems are treatable & there is no need for you or your partner to suffer unnecessarily, because problems in your sexual life are bound to spill over in your normal life & pose even more problems in your relationship & cause undue stress & tension.

Can’t Sleep? Here’s How to Deal with Insomnia

by May 29, 2023

As most of you are leading busy lives, loaded with tensions and pressure to deal with daily chores, chances are high that you fail to catch on your daily sleep of eight hours. If this routine of not sleeping properly continues for a long time, you can end up suffering from the sleep disorder called ‘Insomnia’.

This is a popular term used to define an individual’s sleeping difficulties. If you find it tough to fall asleep in the night, or you are unable to enjoy a sound sleep, or you don’t feel like sleeping at all – then it’s very likely that you are an Insomniac.

Check out these common reasons behind insomnia & how you can solve them in the easiest way.

1. If you are tensed or stressed about something (it can be professional or personal), you end up straining your mind & hence cannot fall asleep properly. You tend to keep thinking about these worries all night long, so try to keep these anxieties at bay & enjoy a quality sleep.

2. If you watch too much of television or spend time in front of your computer screen for a long stretch of time, it can affect your eyesight & disturb your sleep pattern. So watch TV in moderation.

3. If you have a habit of reading books before going to bed, it can also hinder your sleep, as there would be times when you compromise on your sleep in an attempt to finish reading a book or novel. It’s suggested that you plan your reading time in a way that you read the least during night hours.

4. Taking frequent naps during the day also affects your sleep patterns during night. You keep on tossing & turning on your bed but find it tough to sleep easily. Hence avoid falling asleep during the daytime, so that you can enjoy your bedtime in the night.

5. Changes in the sleep environment, surroundings, especially in the bedroom settings can often cause restlessness. It’s more psychological though, because your mind is set towards sleeping in fixed settings & when that gets changed, you may face disruption in your normal sleep pattern.

6. Timing of sleep is another key factor & often decides whether you are suffering from insomnia or not. If you have a fixed time to go to sleep, you must follow that, because tampering with sleep timings can affect your sleep quality.

7. Mental tiredness & physical fatigue can also lead to sleeplessness, as your body might be resting but your mind cannot sleep. So try to keep yourself fit & fresh, so that you can sleep soundly.

Insomnia is not a dangerous disorder & can be treated well in time provided you keep in mind certain things & follow some routines that would help you have a good sleep. So next time you cannot sleep properly, make sure you identify the reasons for this & take appropriate action to counter those, the above mentioned points are a good place to start.

How to Cope With Erectile Dysfunction and Depression

by May 29, 2023

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition in which a man is unable to get and maintain an erection just before or during sexual intercourse. ED as it is commonly known is prevalent among men of all ages. The damage that this condition does is both physical and emotional. The good news is that this condition is easily treatable in most cases, but if left untreated it can cause havoc in the persona and life of the person affected from it. The most common problem that men who suffer from erectile dysfunction face, apart from the very obvious loss of sex life, is depression.

Depression slowly builds up if the feeling of anger, frustration and melancholia are not dealt with in the right manner. These feelings arise if the person with ED has not taken any medical advice to get to know and treat their condition. Communication is the key here; and not only with their doctor but with their partner as well. Let your doctor and partner know that you are feeling sad or frustrated. Talking openly about how you feel is the first step to beating depression which can accompany erectile dysfunction.

The most common symptoms associated with depression are as follows:

  • Listlessness
  • Loss of self confidence
  • Physical and mental weariness
  • Dramatic decrease or increase in appetite
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Feeling of loneliness

If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction and the above mentioned symptoms, it is advisable that you seek qualified medical help. Explain fully to your doctor about how you feel, don’t feel embarrassed as there is nothing to feel ashamed about. Your doctor can then guide you to the proper treatment for your depression. The treatment can include medications like anti-depressants and or counseling. Please be upfront about your erectile dysfunction as your doctor needs this information to prescribe the right type of anti-depressant accordingly (there are some anti-depressant medication which can aggravate or intensify ED).

You can go to a licensed therapist to get individual or couple counseling. Make sure to involve your partner in the whole process as she can then better understand about what you are going through and can help you overcome it. This will also improve and strengthen the bond between the two of you.

Erectile dysfunction is treatable and there is no reason for you to suffer from it in silence. Seek professional medical help to reclaim not only your sex life but also your emotional and mental health.

How to Admit To Having an STD

by May 29, 2023

STD’s or sexually transmitted diseases are much more common than what mainly people realize. In this article I want to raise up another very vital and potentially the most embarrassing phase of suffering from STD’s; Owning up or admitting to being infected with STD or STI (sexually transmitted infection) to your partner.

This is of vital importance because the health of your partner is at hazard if you don’t disclose the information about yourself on time. And in this case the sooner you tell the better.

It can be tricky thing to do especially if you are about to engage in sex with a new partner, because sometimes in the warmth of the moment one can get carried away and indulge in the act without disclosing the fact about the STD. So it becomes imperative that you bring up the subject of your condition or infection the jiff you think that sexual intimacy is about to begin.

Be upfront and truthful about it and explain the risks and the treatment that you are taking to counter the problem. This can be stiff but if you can prepare yourself beforehand as to how you will broach the subject, it will be easier for you to do so when the time arises.

This gives your partner the occasion  to either give consent for further intimacy or not, and you should admit their decision in good grace and try to use comedy to relieve the embarrassing situation in case your partner decides not to go ahead.

Remember that certain types of STD’s (Chlamydia) can be passed on without actually indulging in sexual intercourse, so inform yourself about your stipulation and consult with your doctor on the risk of transmitting your condition to your partner.

How Complacency about Sexual Health Can Lead to Disaster for Older People

by May 29, 2023

The younger generation nowadays is much well educated about sexual health and its implications than their middle aged counterparts because the sexual health industry vigorously campaigns to aim the 16-24 year olds. Older people especially in their 50′s and above are vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases and sexual dysfunction due to their unawareness about these issues, especially about using defense during sex.

A new survey in UK  has found that 25% of people over 55 years of age supposed that their chances of acquiring sexually transmitted infection were almost nil, compared to 13% of those aged 18-24 years.

If this is the case in United Kingdom, I’m sure it’s bad in India.

“People need to understand this is a rising problem,” said NHS Fife’s Dr Indranil Banarjee, a advisor who sees older patients frequently at his clinic. He said that although the patients were older, they could also be much more inexperience.

“We’ve had instances where parents have been nudged into the clinic by their children”, he said.”They [the children] know, through all the intimation they get through the media, schools and colleges, that the law of thumb is, if you’re with a new partner, you should get yourself checked out.”

Remember if you drop into the middle age group, please look after yourself and use protection and when in doubt consult a doctor or a experienced sexologist.

How A Healthy connection Can Help You Succeed in Life

by May 29, 2023

If you’re in a good, healthy, and inspiring relationship, your achievement in life comes naturally. When there’s a strong wind under your wings, you can go further. Success can be distinct in a lot of ways and with respect to a lot of things. But more than anything, success is the condition of being happy with what you have and contented with everything happening about you. And if you’re successful, you can enjoy all the good things that this life has to offer.

Being with the right partner has a lot to do with your achievement. Your wife or husband is the person who is closest to you. They can impact you and encourage you. They can motivate you to do things that you normally wouldn’t do if you’re not with him or her. The right person can boost your assurance and make you feel braver, smarter, and more able than ever before.

On the other hand, the wrong person can drag you down. Instead of inspiring you to attain heights in your job and career, he or she could even envious with what you’re achieving. If being with them causes needless strains in your affairs, you won’t get anywhere. If your partner keeps on restricting you on doing the things you want to do, you will not be bright to perform to the fullest of your ability.

Going home to a nice and healthy environment allows you to think better, rest better, and be a superior person overall. The serenity of your home gives you peace and relaxation, allowing you to countenance the next day’s challenges with rehabilitated vigor. Imagine coming to a home with a person who nags you and berates you. It’s impossible to come to work stimulated that way. And getting promoted is the final thing that can happen to you.

Keep your relationship healthy so you can focus your energy on being successful rather than making that connection work. Spend your days with the person whom you really love and loves you back. Getting to the climax of success is much easy that way. The great person for you would not do anything that can harm you or your career but will support you and boost your confidence all the way.

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