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Heart Patients with ICD’s More eventual to Face Sexual Dysfunction

by May 29, 2023

According to research which was presented at the 2011 American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions, some heart patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) were likely to suffer from sexual related problems due to their heightened fear of the ICD delivering a shock during sex.

Men were more likely to feel the effects of mild erectile dysfunction due the anxiety caused by this fear but both women and men had lower sexual function scores due to shock related anxiety.

One way to help heart patients with ICD’s who feel apprehensive about this problems is to give appropriate counseling, both before and after the implanting of the device. This will help alleviate the strain levels that these individual feel which is the main cause of them suffering from sexual dysfunction. thus if you are one of those patients who are facing this problem, then consult with your doctor or a experienced sexologist to get guidance on how not to let the fear of the shock take away the pleasure of sex from your life.

Heart Implants to Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

by May 29, 2023

In erectile dysfunction cases where the regular cure like Viagra, injections or penis pumps are non effective, a cardiologist in Cardiff (United Kingdom) has come up with a unique way of treating ED or impotence. In a primary, he performed a surgery in which he implanted a stent into the penis.

This was done to improve the blood flow, a stent which is a small metal tube that widens an artery, is usually used to treat blocked arteries in the heart. And now in a fiction use it has been used to improve the blood flow to the penis as the lack of blood flow is one of the biggest impediments to getting a proper erection.

The results in the short term have been encouraging but it remains to be seen what the long term effectiveness of this procedure is. Improving the blood stream to the penis may help a few patients but there are other things to be considered as well beside this when it comes to effectively treating erectile dysfunction (such as problems with the muscles in the penis etc.).

This is an expensive procedure with the cost being anywhere between US$ 6500 to US$ 11000 and not many cardiologists are performing this type of surgery in the penis. So I advise waiting to see some more concrete results and exhausting all other non invasive treatments before going in for this particular procedure. Consult your doctor or an experienced sexologist if you have a severe case of erectile dysfunction to get proper guidance and treatment.

Having problem Discussing Erectile Dysfunction with Your Partner?

by May 29, 2023

One of the most frustrating and distressing things for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction(ED) or impotence is to find a way to talk about ED with their partner. It is difficult for them because of its sensitive nature, and a lot will depend on the type of relationship you have with your partner. Here are a few tips to help make discussing this problem with your partner a little easier.

1. It is important to research and get yourself informed about erectile dysfunction and the causes of erectile dysfunction. You need to know as much as possible about this condition so that you are able to explain it to them.

2. Be brave and tell your partners about the problem you are facing, chances are that they already know that something is wrong. Explain it in detail to them and share the information that you have collected about erectile dysfunction and its causes, so that they are aware about it being a medical condition.

3. Identify a qualified sexologist who can help you with treating erectile dysfunction, make your appointment and make sure that your partner accompanies you for the consultation, if you go for an online consultation be sure to involve them in the process as well. This will ensure that both partners take active interest in solving this problem and the whole process becomes that much easy.

4. Just because you are having problems maintaining an erection does not mean that you can’t satisfy your partner sexually, discuss other alternatives like foreplay and oral sex and be active sexually till the time you don’t recover from ED.

5. Don’t play the blame game, erectile dysfunction is a medical condition and in some cases it can be a psychological issue. Neither you nor your partner is to be blamed for it.

The key is in communicating openly and honestly with your partner. Involve her in the whole process and ask for their support and understanding. Erectile dysfunction is something that has to face together and you have to have trust and faith in your partner as their support is crucial for your recovery. Having the first conversation is the toughest, once you have done that, you will realize that they appreciate you being honest about it and they will help you get over it.

Has The Elusive G- Spot Been Found?

by May 29, 2023

The age old quest of finding the female G-spot got an interesting bend recently, when an American surgeon claiming that he had finally located the elusive pleasure point of the female anatomy. He based his findings on historical statistics going as far back as the 3rd century A.D. and on his amputation of the cadaver of a 83 year old female.

I for one am very skeptical of this research as the data is not reliable or even statistically episodic. More ever for men obsessing about the G-spot is a fruitless activity and your energy and focus should be on giving pleasure to your partner instead of groping about trying to locate the so called pleasure point.

In my opinion the surgeon who has made this claim is looking for his 15 minutes of fame and has succeeded as various major media portals like msnbc etc have given it coverage which I don’t think it deserves. This is a controversial topic with divided opinions and has created an avalanche of comments which is evident by the amount of buzz created around this claim especially over the Internet.

So as mentioned before the deception to having a great sex life lies in being able to make your partner comfortable and making a honest effort to pleasure her in bed, which entails you being patient and open to her needs (communication is the key here), she will definitely appreciate it and reciprocate if you do so and it is the only way to enjoy your intimacy.

Hair Loss Products Linked To Sexual Dysfunction in Men

by May 29, 2023

As if men needed more bad news. Hair loss is a major issue for millions of men around the world, and they will go to any length to stop hair loss and this has led to the flourishing of the multi-billion dollar hair loss products industry. A new study shows that the popular hair loss products which sell under the brand name Propeia and Proscar, can cause sexual dysfunction in men which can last for quite a long duration of time even after stopping the treatment.

Getting bald was bad enough but to suffer from erectile dysfunction and loss of libido because of the medication taken to stop hair loss will be something of grave concern for both; the men taking the drugs and the drug making companies themselves.

Discuss with your doctor before you start to take any type of medication to prevent hair loss, for possible side effects that these may cause you and hope that new medication is soon available which won’t cause men to sacrifice their sex life in order to retain their hair.

Get Your Question Answered

by May 25, 2023

Dear Friends,

As you know I have been working extensively in the field of sexology for over 10 years. And in the process I have helped thousands of men and women resolve their sexual health issues. In my experience the major problem is that the majority of people who suffer from any kind of sex related problems are reluctant to talk about it and do not seek qualified help.

The idea behind this blog is to provide out as much quality and updated information as possible to educate people about not only sexual health problems but also how to improve their personal relationships and life in general.

And keeping this in mind I want to answer any questions that you may have related to sexual health. You can ask your question using the consultation form. I will select the most common and important questions and provide the answers. I will not be using anybody’s name when I answer these questions to protect your privacy.

I strongly stimulate you to clear any doubts about any type of sex problem that you or your partner maybe suffering from.

Hashmi Dawakhana

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