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Financial Crisis and its Effects on Relationship

by May 25, 2023

Experts opine that out of the many causes of strained relationship, financial problems top the list. When the couples are not financially well settled to meet and satisfy all their materialistic needs, it paves the way for problems to creep in. Several studies show that as financial problems and its related stress increases, couples fight more- mainly over money matters.

Studies further suggest that as financial pressures increase, couples often become preoccupied with financial issues and their general helplessness over the prevailing situation leads them into depression, increases frustration and proves to be a demoralizing factor.

Financial crises tend to effect on all our existing relations. It has its noticeable effect on children’s mental as well as physical health too. It, undoubtedly, creates depression, anxiety as well as behavioral problems among children in the family. They have to bear the brunt of the stained relations of their parents due to prevailing financial stress.

Talking about the effects of financial stress and pressure on the couple’s relationship, the list is really long and if not addressed at the earliest and with all the sincere efforts it can do irreversible damage to the couple’s life and relation.

The first major harm that financial stress does is to create a war like situation between the couple, thereby hampering all their efforts to have a team player type of relationship. It strikes really hard at the emotional bonding that is the soul of all healthy relationships and further creates detachment, bitterness, frustration, disrespect and anger between the couple.

But it is not that difficult to tackle this problem, only drive needed is a focused approach with great deal of patience accompanied with an unshakeable amount of faith in your partner. Mentioned below are a few helpful tips to ease out your efforts:

  • Never hide your financial problems from your partner. Instead discuss the problems with your soul mate to reach to some combined planned strategy to cope up with the problem.
  • Do not ever resort to the blame game for the lack of financial stability, it would only worsen the situation and would do more harm than any good.
  • Plan out a monthly budget, keeping in mind the fixed as well as the variable expenses. This would definitely ease out the situation.
  • Along with budgeting, even plan out your financial goals in a practical and realistic way. This would help you to meet your needs as well as your family demands in a realistic manner and would ensure smooth management of your financial issues.
  • Prove to be each other’s supporting pillar when passing through financial crises in your relationship. Ups and downs are characteristic features of all relationships. So try and prove to support each other during the time of financial stress as this is the phase when one desperately needs the support of the loved ones more than anything else in this world.

Remember this is a temporary phase whereas the bond (or on the contrary; the discord) that this phase can create between the couple will prevail forever.

Finally! Sex Education Gets Impetus in India

by May 25, 2023

About time sex education took its rightful place in the school curriculum in India. NARI (National Aids Research Institute) is pushing its demand for inclusion of sex education in Indian schools. They have tested a module on sex education in different places in the country. This encouraging development and gives hope that this vital part of education for our countries adolescents will get the chance to see the light of day.

But for it to become accepted as part of the mainstream education agenda a lot of stupid prejudices and ignorance will have to be countered. Not only do educators need to be informed why it is so important for the health of our young adults but also parents and politicians. The latter is a group that will need maximum work and need to be educated as to why making sex education a political issue is counterproductive.

They all need to understand that youngsters are curious and experimental by nature and that it is far better that they get the right information to help understand reproductive health and sexuality in the class room, rather than browsing about on the Internet, where they may get conflicting opinions and sometimes very bad advice.

Festivals in India and Its Effect on Libido

by May 25, 2023

India is a land of festivals, and it brings a lot of joy and happiness to us and our families. But sometimes it can have an unintended effect on our relationship in the form of loss of sexual desire.

It is common for a couple to feel a degree of loss of libido during festivities and holidays. There are quite a few reasons for this, some of which are given below:

  • There can be a lot of stress during some festivals, for e.g. during Diwali, one can have extra financial burden due to buying of gifts for family and friends, painting of the house or buying new household items. This can lead to mental distress and will definitely affect the libido.
  • Distributing gifts can be also very stressful and time consuming especially in the big Metros like New Delhi and Mumbai. The physical toll (due to driving in heavy traffic) will also affect the person’s libido.
  • Some festivals require days of fasting and the reduced intake of food will also make a dent in the sexual desire of the person as he or she will not have enough energy to indulge in sex.

The way to keep the level of libido up during festivals and holidays will require the couple to plan in advance. Sit down with your partner before the festivities or holidays and chart out what needs to be done by each partner, divide the tasks between each other in such a way that the level of fatigue is reduced. Decide when to take a break from the frenetic activities and take out time for each other.

Give each other massages before having sex so that you feel relaxed and can take your intimacy to the next level. Remember not to force your partner to have sex if he or she doesn’t feel up-to it, they will appreciate your understanding and reward you with more intense sex when they are physically and mentally ready for it again.

Female Viagra! How Effective Will It Be For You

by May 25, 2023

Clinical trials are on for what is being touted as the next big thing in the very lucrative sexual aid market. This product is expected to help those women who suffer from the inability of reaching an orgasm during sex and or have low level of arousal. This treatment is testosterone based and the makers claim that it will trigger an increase in the brain for sexual desire and improve blood flow to the sexual organs which will lead to them attaining an orgasm.

The trials are currently being held in Australia under the supervision of professors from Monash University in Australia. Now Anorgasmia (the medical term for the inability to reach an orgasm) is a much more common problem for women than what people think, with almost 30% of women suffering from this condition.

It can be a very frustrating problem for both the partners but especially for the female. And this product if it is safe and actually does what its makers claim it will undoubtedly be a big relief for a lot of women out there and will help them to enjoy their sex life that much more.

However how effective this drug is and what are the short term and long term side effects (if any) will only be known after the trials are completed and the regulatory bodies like FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) etc. will be definitely be keeping a keen eye on the proceedings.

The one thing that needs to kept in mind is that in a lot of cases anorgasmia is caused not only by physical factors but also emotional ones as well and care needs to be taken to get these addressed by a qualified professional. Admittedly this takes more time but in the long run is a better solution and of a more permanent nature. Of course therapy along with the appropriate drugs will make the process much faster and more tangible.

So there is cause for cautious optimism for women who want to get rid of this problem but I suggest that if you suffer from this problem then you should consult with a good sexual therapist to get started on resolving the problem and not wait for a wonder drug which in any case is still a long way off before it hits the market.

Facts You Need To Learn About Steroids Use

by May 25, 2023

Steroids are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone that are synthetic in nature. They are frequently prescribed for muscle building, the augmentation of male performance, and to reform a man’s overall appearance. However, there are certain risks connected with using steroids. And these risks have to be gravely considered by anybody who thinks that this remedy is the easiest solution to their aesthetic or medical condition.

For starters, high doses of steroids can influence the brain. It is for this cause that these drugs must be regulated and prescribed only by an experienced physician. Steroids influence the brain in such a way it can build a person feel euphoric, extremely happy, or even hyped-up. It can also cause sleep turbulence and serious psychiatric illness. It can also start very aggressive behaviors and psychosis. Paranoia and illusions are two of the most common side effects of steroids.

It is true that steroids have medicinal effects like hurt relief and mood elevation. Though, if the substance is abused, it can guide to tumors, cancer, jaundice, and high blood pressure, preservation of fluid, stroke, and heart assault. It can also cause kidney cancer, cholesterol build-up, wobbly, and acne.

In most men, the use of steroids causes their testes to shrink. The drug is also identified to reduce the count of sperm cells and cause total infertility to some. Steroids can also cause the hair to drop out, enlarge a man’s breasts, and influence his prostate.

Teenagers who use steroids would experience halted growth. Their teenager development will be accelerated but their skeletons will never attainment its peak. Their body grows quickly towards puberty but the bones are left behind in the process.

Steroids can also influence one’s vital organs and that’s a fact. As for the heart, the matter causes it to get enlarged, leading to heart failure. It will also solidify the arteries and increases one’s cholesterol levels. The male reproductive system is exaggerated as well. Since testosterone can be changed to estrogen, which is a female hormone, the development of female trait in males can be expected. It can also be noted that steroids can harm the liver and kidneys permanently.

So if you are planning to take steroids do so knowing that the above mentioned risks may cause much more harm than good. Always ask your doctor before starting any type of steroid program.

More Facts That You Need To Know about STDs

by May 25, 2023

Here are a few more of the dreaded diseases and what you can do to avoid getting impure or passing on the infection to your partner.

1. HIV/AIDS: Perhaps the most researched STD, in our times. The HIV virus affects the human immune system and weakens the body’s protection against infections. The virus is spread by unprotected sex, needle sharing and by an infected mother to her newborn. The problem with detecting HIV is that it may not show any visible symptoms for years after someone is infected. Some of the early symptoms include flu-like symptoms, canker sores, fever, fatigue and swollen glands.

There are antiviral drugs that can help prevent HIV from turning into full blown AIDs, but these need to be started as soon as possible. The only way to be certain if someone is infected with this virus is to get a blood test done.

2. Hepatitis B: If left untreated this virus infection can cause some serious liver harm including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. This infection is caused by contact with blood and other body fluids, so it can be extend through sexual activities, sharing of needles and razors, and even by sharing of toothbrushes. The symptoms include stomach ache, fatigue, yellowing of the eyes or skin, dark urine and nausea.

There is a vaccine which can defend you from hepatitis B and it is a good plan to get vaccinated as there is no cure for this disease, though there are medicines that can keep the virus in check.

3. Trichomoniasis: This is a disease which is caused by a parasite and is extend during sexual contact. It’s symptoms in men include gentle discharge from the penis and blazing sensation during urination. The symptoms for women include painful sex, vaginal itching and discharge with a burly odor. This disease can be easily treated with prescription drugs.

4. Chanchroid: This STI is caused by a bacteria, it causes painful genital sores. These may develop into pus-filled open sores. Fortunately antibiotics can easily cure this infection.

If you think that you are not at risk for an STD, think again. Anyone who is sexually active is at danger regardless of age, gender, social class or sexual direction.

So in order to inferior your chances of acquiring STD, you want to take a few precautions; first of all if you are sexually active with multiple partners then your danger increases when compared to someone who is in a monogamous relationship.

Ask your partner to get experienced for STD, practice safe sex and be certain to get yourself tested as well. If you or your partner test positive for any of the STD’s or STI’s start treatment instantly for both partners and refrain from having sex.

It is vital for pregnant women to get tested for STD early on in their pregnancy as treatment during pregnancy can help treat some STD and reduce the risk of passing these infections to the newborn baby.

lastly if you are in any doubt, get in touch with your doctor or a sexologist who can lead you correctly and recommend the tests that need to be done according to your symptoms.

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